Thursday, November 14, 2013


Mimi the Cat 2013, originally uploaded by szachko.
You came to my life in the size fitted in my palm..

You left my life in the size fitted in my palm as well.

Miss you, MiMi and RIP...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

upload, originally uploaded by szachko.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Disappearing Habitats

2013 Memorial Weekend in NYC, originally uploaded by szachko.
Couple years back, the way to get away from office hassle is to hind in the bookstores. With internet shopping and Amazon expansion, we lost Border totally and B&N is shrinking as well. We really miss the adventures of browsing through the book jungle. The only place we could find is back to city, to this unique place: Book of Wonder.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Ready for the Summer

Delivery, originally uploaded by szachko.
Waiting for the 17 years, they are popping up everywhere to join the summer orchestra. This is the first time for me to see them this close...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Flowering Magnolia

Spring finally arrived in Cotswold.

Magnolia blooming like crazy. They can not wait to tell the sky like life is still beautiful no matter how ridiculous the world become. The journey could be short but surely fills with hopes and excitements.

Birds are having party every day discussion what to build this coming year.

My dear little ones, what is your plan in this exciting season?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Fairy Tale .....

Snow in March, originally uploaded by szachko.
You cannot be a street photographer without living in the city. Could you?

Could you shoot the same subject again, again and again?